Sunday, April 12, 2009

Synechdoche, Ny

Beautiful movie. Epic but subtle. Sometimes dull but always chilling. The more you watch the more you realize that it's a movie about life. The movie isn't about the plot, it's about life and death and the emotions and roles we all play in between.

As for the plot, it masterfully illustrates this concept. Kaufman proves himself as a modern auteur, writing and directing this film that's somewhere in between Bergman and Fellini. Cotard's longing to recreate his life in order to rebuild his life is a story we all know. Everyone wants to make sense of their life. His successes and failures at trying to direct his life's play are a beautiful and brilliant metaphor.

It does drag slightly, but it's always interesting, all worth it, and the drag doesn't detract. The madness of Cotard is so brilliant, so worth watching and engaging. The set pieces are all magnificent, seamlessly critiquing and mastering the fact of movies.
The conclusion is chilling but beautiful. If you're engaged by the movie it's hard not to feel the ending.

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